Media Section:
It has three branches:
1. Press Editorial and Monitoring Branch: it performs the following tasks:
- Preparing and editing the daily reports and press releases through:
* Following up the official daily newspapers, and the electronic news.
* Keeping an electronic copy of any news about Yarmouk University, or higher education issues in general.
* Sending the electronic version of the press report to the president and the president deputies, deans and directors.
- Covering the visits of delegations and activities organized by the university units through:
- Event coverage.
- Writing a piece of news on the occasion.
- Downloading the piece of news on the website of the university.
- Sending the piece of news with the appropriate photos to the e-mails of the official newspapers, and the news websites.
- Providing the media and the press with various university pieces of news.
- Documenting all the news, investigations, publications, magazines, and photographs of the university and making the necessary volumes for some magazines and publications at the university.
- Arranging press meetings with the university president and officials.
- Preparing the monthly YU Newsletter in English through:
- Translating the most important news that concerns the university at the local and international level.
- Downloading the news on the university website.
- Designing the Newsletter electronically through the InDesign program.
- Sending the Newsletter to the press section to be printed.
- Distributing the printed copies of the Newsletter in special envelopes to various Arab and foreign embassies and consulates and relevant official bodies in Jordan and abroad. The Newsletter copies are also sent to the Jordanian official and private universities and various university units.
- Preparing the university's media documentary.
- Preparing brochures for introducing the university and the various departments and faculties of the university. They are prepared and sent to the press section in order to be printed and distributed to the university departments and faculties and to the university guests and in various seminars, conferences and workshops held by the university both inside and outside the university.
- Preparing and following up on the update and auditing of the distribution lists of university publications that are issued periodically or otherwise.
- Distributing the publications or books issued by the university either periodically or otherwise to the official bodies, institutions, universities and individuals inside and outside the Kingdom.
- Photography and Videographics Branch:
The branch performs the following tasks:
- Documenting and photographing the activities of the university's various units.
- Providing the Media section in the dept. with the pictures of activities, conferences and seminars.
- Providing all visitors to the university with pictures of activities, conferences and seminars.
- Securing photographs related to the university news that are necessary for its publications.
- Securing the speaking segments and documentary films about the university.
- Saving various pictures of activities, seminars and conferences electronically.
- Photographing all the university staff to put the pictures in the yearbook.
- Providing the annual book committee with various pictures of the various activities of the university.
- Advertising Branch:
The branch publishes advertisements issued by the university in the public media inside and outside Jordan and scrutinizes the financial claims related to them. The branch works on:
- Receiving advertisements from various university units
- Checking the ads in Arabic to be published on the University's website in Arabic as well as translating and checking them to be published on the website in English.
- Publishing the ads in both languages (Arabic and English) on the university's official website.
- Sending the ads to the relevant newspapers and magazines for publication
- Auditing the related financial claims.
The branch also publishes and follows-up the ads of the tenders, jobs and others in the local daily and Arab newspapers.
4. Electronic Media and Multimedia.
This branch is responsible for publishing the university news and advertisements through the social media.
Employees of Design and Visual Identity

شذى سعدون
Shatha Sadoun
رئيس القسم head of section
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : 2216

محمد حموري
Mohamad Hamouri
رئيس فرع الاعلان
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : 2247
شذى عرقان
Shatha Argan
رئيس فرع التحرير الصحفي والرصد
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 2216